So here's the thing with raccoons...They're cute for a reason. In reality they are tricky, vicious and cunning little creatures. But God is smart. He knew that if they weren't cute no one would let them live (just like with children) so he made them absolutely adorable.
If you don't agree that raccoons are adorable I offer this argument:
And this one:
Now that you have been swayed by their cuteness I give you this warning:
They are climbing up the cage, and then they proceeded to climb upside down on the roof of their cage. All the doors are double locked because their sweet little hands are DETERMINED to unlock things. They are too smart for their own good, and so make disastrous pets. Also, raccoons are adorable until they hit "puberty." Then they are flooded with ring-tailed hormones and will growl, hiss, puff up and generally be unpleasant towards you. But it's too late, you know they were cute as babies. So their survival is assured. A truly brilliant survival technique.
Which is good, just to be clear. I love raccoons. They are smart, cute, fun to watch, and have a ringed tail which is pretty awesome (I'm also a big ring-tailed lemur fan, just in case you ever needed that fun fact). But it is interesting that the cute, "widdle," fuzzy animals tend to be the meanest (for more information on this phenomenon see my post on rabbits).
All pictures by me, please link to this page :)