These things bug me.
1. This really bugs me about multiple choice questions:
"Super fancy school question."
a.) Possible answer.
b.) Another possible answer.
c.) None of the above.
d.) All of the above.
How? How will the answer ever be d? And you're the one testing me? Either you or your testing bank should be seriously, seriously ashamed of yourself.
2. "ur" and "u."
Now I don't have a problem with abbreviations and acronyms as a whole. But first of all, "ur" cannot possibly be a replacement. It doesn't sound like "your" or "you're." And it doesn't differentiate between the two forms at all so you're just writing letters.
Secondly yes "u" sounds like "you" (and it saves you all of two letters). But if you capitalize it you no longer have a pronoun, you have the symbol for Uranium. Which is probably not what you were talking about. If it was what you were talking about then I'm sorry and we should chat because U is really interesting and I want to learn more about it (see what I did there? Just used it correctly. Ha-ha-SUCK IT).
3. I really like the Numa-Numa song. And it's not super popular anymore. Makes me sad.
4. I don't understand why Fox News still exists. I can only conclude that there are people even dumber than Fox News watching Fox News and this makes me very, very sad.
These are the people who use "ur."
5. Words with Friends is not the same as Scrabble and it's not as good as Scrabble and it doesn't follow proper word-game rules. Which are the rules of Scrabble. Or use the Official Scrabble Player's Dictionary which is the correct word-game dictionary. And yet on Facebook everyone plays Words with Friends. Dumb.
And for some reason people stopped playing it with me because I either beat them or insisted on playing until I beat them. Because I guess that was "really annoying." Jerks.
6. When my back doesn't pop for no good reason. Even though I'm doing exactly the same thing that made it pop last time.
7. People who call me instead of texting me. There's a very small group of people I would rather talk to on the phone and about half of them are my mom. Soooo yeah...
8. People putting ice in my drink when I specifically order no ice. And I can tell when it's going to happen too. I know if they're listening closely or not. Even when they repeat back my no ice part of my order often they STILL give me ice. Bastards.
9. "Shine bright like a diamond(x572)" NO. I will be a dark sooty piece of coal my whole life just to spite you. I hate it sooo much. "Flames...flames, on the side of my face."