"Take a look at the Invisible Girl. Here she is, clear as the day, Please look closely and find her before she fades away"
Thursday, April 25, 2013
My furniture even matches. Kind of.
SWEET MOTHER OF BANDWITH guess what I have?!!?! If you said moderately fast internet that won't crap out on videos and lets me find happiness and solace for loneliness online then you would be CORRECT.
If you said a ton of HW due tomorrow and an odd-smelling, messy apartment then you would also be correct my dear internet friend but I was not speaking of that so suck it.
Yes it is true. I have real internet of my very own in my very own apartment that I am now financially responsible for for one year. I also have a job and go to school full time where I am currently passing all of my classes. And I own a car that RUNS 100% of the time (so far) and as of this moment I am paying for all of my own bills without help. If we don't count last month. Which we aren't.
I even had an accountant do my taxes. I am so effing grown up right now my childhood is trembling in awe.
AND I own super grown-upy things like a toilet brush and a couch and pots and pans with matching lids. You heard me. I even ate breakfast today, and it was a bowl of cereal not mt dew. I ate it at 1:30 because I got up at noon but does that matter? No.
So in case anyone was wondering: I am an ADULT. Bam. Mind-blown. I'm winning at life for the moment. But I have to get off the internet because I have a paper that was assigned two weeks ago and is due tomorrow and I haven't started it yet.
OK maybe life and I are tied.