Saturday, May 11, 2013

Vehicular Events

Today I was in my second unfortunate vehicular event.

The first event was driving my bro in-law's car while following him (driving his friend's truck) with his two children in the car. I got distracted by a giant Hindu statue in someone's front yard and rear-ended him. With his own car. And his children. I cannot express how horrified I was. Luckily there was minimal damage that no one made me pay for and no one was injured. But horrifying nonetheless.

The second event was just as mundane. I was driving to work and there was a lot of traffic and I was busting out some of my sweet jams "HAVE YOU EVER HEARD THE WOLF CRY TO THE BLUE CORN MOON! OR ASKED THE GRINNING-OW!" And then someone rear ended me. It was VERY surprising and my head smacked into the head "rest." We pulled into the a parking lot and the kid jumped out of his car: "OMG I'm so sorry! Are you ok?! How's your car? I swear I wasn't even texting or anything!" So after I reassured him. I went through this huge process of getting my purse out of the car, which took like a million steps for some reason, I kept almost getting it out and then got distracted by him saying something and would leave it in the front seat. And shut the door! Wtf? Makes no sense. And that whole process somehow broke my watch. Logic? No. So I finally got my info out, and he discovered that he didn't have his insurance card.

Kid: "So you really need the insurance info?"
Me: "Well yeah it's a good idea, just to have all our bases covered."
Kid: "Really because I wasn't even going to bother telling my Dad, I'm not going to like come after your insurance or anything."
Me: "Oh I believe you...But I still need your insurance."
Kid: Visibly crestfallen. "Ok I'll call my dad..."

 I had him call his dad and meanwhile I called MY dad to make sure I was doing this right and eventually he got a hold of his dad and handed me the phone.

Me: "Hi."
Bill: "I'm so sorry my son rear-ended you."
Me: Lets that joke go..."Oh these things happen."
Bill: "Do you want a couple hundred bucks for the damage? I work in an auto shop you can bring it by and I'll give you an oil change, lube job, anything you want."
Me: Lets lube job joke slide by... "Well I'm not worried about any damage, it seems pretty minimal but I do want to make sure I get all the info."
Bill: "Ok here's the policy number, the insurance company, and here's my number, and the shop I work at and my name and my wife's name."
Me: "...alrighty then...well thank you."

So my car is fine. Well, it wasn't damaged. It has other issues. And I feel bad for the kid. But my back was already messed up this week and now I've got this super awesome burning sensation on my neck and upper back and the ibuprofen I took made me sick at work and didn't alleviate any pain. I spent all evening at work going back and forth between feeling fine but achy and sick and about to burst into tears. No logic.