My sister, Katie, and I were making peanut butter frosting tonight (well she was making, I was watching) and almost at the end she tasted it:
Me: How does it taste?
Katie: Mmm...salty (continues to pour milk into peanut butter frosting).
Me: Salty?
Katie: Yeah.
Me: How is it salty?
Katie: Well...
Kim: There's no salt in this recipe or in that peanut butter, how does it taste...What did you put in it?
Katie: Umm...Sugar?
(we both pause, hysterical laughter ensues)
Katie has now stolen my kitchen Sharpie and labeled all her jars. This is, I think, long overdo because about two weeks ago her husband Edward flavored a fruit smoothie with baking powder and my niece cried when she tasted it.
I have adopted a firm "don't use any white substance in a jar" stance just to be safe.